928 343 055 06BIL - Shock Absorber - Front - Bilstein - 78 to 95

928 343 055 06BIL - Shock Absorber - Front - Bilstein - 78 to 95
928 343 055 06BIL - Shock Absorber - Front - Bilstein - 78 to 95

928sRus, Inc.

SKU: 92834305506BIL

Front Sport Shock Absorbers. The shocks come complete with Threaded Sleeve, Adjusting nut and Lower Spring Perch.
Will fit all years but for 78-84 you need the later shorter springs.
Always change the  Bump Stops on each Shock. 928 343 527 02
Bilstein Part #24009669
Rear Bilstein Shock 928 333 051 12Bil

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