928 356 079 00C - Fuel Feed Hose - 80 to 86 16v - Cohline

928 356 079 00C - Fuel Feed Hose - 80 to 86 16v - Cohline
928 356 079 00C - Fuel Feed Hose - 80 to 86 16v - Cohline

928sRus, Inc.

SKU: 92835607900C

Fuel Feed Hose - 80 to 86 4.5L & 4.7L 16v K-Jet, L-Jet & LH-Jet - Cohline
Recognized by the 90 Bend on one end.
#44 on the PET Drawing
This hose is on the Right side of the Engine.
Made in Germany using Cohline Hose & fittings. Cohline was the original supplier of this hose to Porsche. Working, Test & Burst pressures far exceed this application. 

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