928 505 143 03 01C - Front Bumper Beading - Fits Left & Right Side - 87 to 95

928 505 143 03 01C - Front Bumper Beading - Fits Left & Right Side - 87 to 95
928 505 143 03 01C - Front Bumper Beading - Fits Left & Right Side - 87 to 95
928 505 143 03 01C - Front Bumper Beading - Fits Left & Right Side - 87 to 95

928sRus, Inc.

SKU: 9285051430301C

Front Bumper Beading - Fits Left & Right Side - 87 to 95 - 2 per Car - Price is Each
#4 & #5 on the PET Drawing
was - 928 505 051 01 & 928 505 052 01
Originally staples were used to hold the bead in place. The bead now uses adhesive.

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The 928s Porsche emblem.