928 106 113 05 - Fan Pulley - 81 to 86 - Higher Speed Option M319

928 106 113 05 - Fan Pulley - 81 to 86 - Higher Speed Option M319
928 106 113 05 - Fan Pulley - 81 to 86 - Higher Speed Option M319
928 106 113 05 - Fan Pulley - 81 to 86 - Higher Speed Option M319

928sRus, Inc.

SKU: 92810611305

Fan Pulley - 81 to 86 - Higher Speed Option M319
Mainly used in ROW markets - Saudi Arabia, Japan, Australia, Japan & Hong Kong

#10 on the PET Drawing

Lower Speed Fan Pulley - 928 106 113 02

Our brands

The 928s Porsche emblem.