930 110 602 31AM - Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper - 87 to 95

930 110 602 31AM - Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper - 87 to 95
930 110 602 31AM - Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper - 87 to 95
930 110 602 31AM - Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper - 87 to 95
930 110 602 31AM - Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper - 87 to 95
930 110 602 31AM - Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper - 87 to 95

928sRus, Inc.

SKU: 93011060231AM

Rear Billet Fuel Pressure Damper to replace the original Porsche 928 110 602 01 current list price of $600.
was 930 110 602 01
#3 on the PET Drawing
Bosch 0280 161 035

Product is "Plug & Play" and the insert is a standard Bosch part. If the insert needs to be replaced in the future they cost circa $40.
Designed & Developed by NLA Products in Atlanta. NLA Products is owned by Kevin Berez.

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The 928s Porsche emblem.